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Webinar Artur Jaschke

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Webinar MUSIC AND THE BRAIN: Neurological insights

by Artur Jaschke PhD

February 21, 2024, 19:30-21:30

IHTP Europe offers an unique opportunity for all CHTP and students to attend an live-online lecture by prof Artur Jaschke who has been involved in innovative research on music and the brain. He will take you through the pathways of the brain when hearing or making music, fill us in on the newest insights on neuroplasticity and provides us with fresh arguments for the further integration of music in healthcare, by well trained professionals.

Ticketlink: https://ticketl.ink/m602i
You will receive a Zoomlink by mail before the webinar starts.

Artur C. Jaschke (PhD) has obtained his Bachelor degree in Music (Contrabass and Drums) when he already developed a strong interest in music cognition and the neurology of music, which led him to complete his Master’s degree at the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), in Musicology and Music Cognition and his PhD at the VU University Amsterdam (The Netherlands) in clinical Neuropsychology with a specialisation in clinical Neuromusicology. Currently, he is Reader (Lector) Music-based Therapies and Interventions and in Ecologies of clinical Neuromusicology: creative AI, Music Sciences and Health Care Applications at the department of Music Therapy at ArtEZ University of the Arts in Enschede the Netherlands, specialising in the interrelation of music, technology and brain maturation in clinical and non clinical populations as well as clinical Research Fellow cognitive neuroscience of music at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the University Medical Center Groningen and the Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research (UK).

He is author of several publications, see https://en.arturjaschke.nl/publicaties-onderzoek

Don’t miss this webinar, as it will not be recorded.

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