Module 1 starts with an attendance week followed by a one year study at home, under guidance of a mentor.
Module 2 starts with an attendance week, followed by 1,5 year at home study. When the student is ready for graduation he/she will receive a certificate/diploma and a pin of IHTP.
This extra module will start in Octobre 2025 in the Netherlands and in February 2025 in Los Angeles.
The module starts with an attendance week and afterwards one year at home study, under guidance of a mentor.
During the year the student studies the materials, makes assignments and has an internship in a hospice.
This module is for graduates from IHTP and graduates from other musical and therapeutical backgrounds.
More information follows later.
During the course you will be guided by a mentor who is an CTHP Â (Certified Harp Therapy Practitioner).
Download here the Student Handbook for Module 1 and 2.
IHTP Aff.StudentHandbook-jan 2023 ed 3
The IHTP is an accredited program by the National Standards Board of Therapeutic Musicians. Click here to go to their website.